Registration Form

Health Report    3000 / Other then India   36 

Service Details :

A healthy life is every one's desire. Get a significant idea about your health, and the high and low periods in your life. Apart from a detailed insight we also offer you specific gem recommendations based on the ailments you suffer from. The report from Samir Upadhyay/AstroSamir will answer the following questions for the forthcoming five years:
a.    Health Prospects: General and present period?
b.    Kinds of health problems - Chronic and Short Term; Sensitive body parts
c.    Are any accidents indicated?
d.    In which dasha periods you must be careful?
e.    What are the guidelines and remedies?

Birth Details

  • (In case of village birth, please give nearest known City/Town/State Name.)

  • Contact Innformation

Payment Option

Any specific question regarding this :

Additional Information

Please give three past events of your life like First Job,Change of place,Marriage,Child Birth,Accident,Surgery and any Death in your family. with Date,Month and Year. For birth time Correction. :

(Please upload your latest photograph)

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