Registration Form

Muhurta    3000 / Other then India   36 

Service Details :

If you are planning an important event or project and wants to be successful. Astrologically, you should choose the best time available within a particular "window of time," to get the best results. This is called Muhurta. Basically it is the science of timing, choosing the best time to start something in order to get the best result. There are certain events in life that we would especially like to see turn out successful, such as a business, job, marriage and child birth. When to build a house, make a significant purchase, start any important project like writing a book, when to release a book or movie, or when to begin a long journey. Choose auspicious times for performing surgery or beginning a treatment. Ask Samir Upadhyay/AstroSamir for best muhurta, which leads to almost success and satisfaction.

Birth Details

  • (In case of village birth, please give nearest known City/Town/State Name.)

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Additional Information

Please give three past events of your life like First Job,Change of place,Marriage,Child Birth,Accident,Surgery and any Death in your family. with Date,Month and Year. For birth time Correction. :

(Please upload your latest photograph)

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