Registration Form

Going Abroad    3000 / Other then India   36 

Service Details :

Just a holiday abroad or is it going to be a home away from home. This report helps you know whether you are destined to travel abroad, whether your dream career awaits you there and what is the best period for this. Samir Upadhyay/AstroSamir will give you an   answer which will be indicative of all this.

Birth Details

  • (In case of village birth, please give nearest known City/Town/State Name.)

  • Contact Innformation

Payment Option

Any specific question regarding this :

Additional Information

Please give three past events of your life like First Job,Change of place,Marriage,Child Birth,Accident,Surgery and any Death in your family. with Date,Month and Year. For birth time Correction. :

(Please upload your latest photograph)

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